命运抗衡 发表于 2021-1-27 10:09:42


Formulas support standard arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions.Formulas support the following arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, logarithms, and square roots. Formulas also support the following trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent.The valid formula abbreviations for arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions are

[*]Addition— +
[*]Subtraction— -
[*]Exponentiation—^: x^y, x raised to the power of y
[*]Natural logarithm—ln
[*]Square root—sqrt: sqrt(16)
[*]e raised to an x power—exp(x)
[*]Absolute Value—abs
[*]Pi—pi (3.1415926...)
You can enter integers, decimals, and fractional values in formulas, using normal mathematical syntax, as shown in the examples below:

[*]Length = Height + Width + sqrt(Height*Width)
[*]Length = Wall 1 (11000mm)+ Wall 2 (15000mm)
[*]Area = Length (500mm) * Width (300mm)
[*]Area = pi() * Radius ^ 2
[*]Volume = Length (500mm) * Width (300mm) * Height (800 mm)
[*]Width = 100m * cos(angle)
[*]x = 2*abs(a) + abs(b/2)
[*]ArrayNum = Length/Spacing
You can use the round function for values in formulas.Function syntaxDescriptionExamples
round(x)The round function returns a value rounded to the nearest whole number. It doesn't take into consideration rounding direction.round(3.1) = 3round(3.5) = 4round(-3.7) = -4
roundup(x)The roundup function returns a value to the largest integral value greater than or equal to x.roundup(3) = 3roundup(3.1) = 4roundup(-3.7) = -3
rounddown(x)The rounddown function returns a value to the smallest integral value less than or equal to x.rounddown(3) = 3rounddown(3.7) = 3rounddown(-3.7) = -4

Parameter names in formulas are case sensitive. For example, if a parameter name begins with a capital letter, such as Width, you must enter it in the formula with an initial capital letter. If you enter it in a formula using lower-case letters instead, for example, width * 2, the software will not recognize the formula.Note: It is recommended that you do not use a dash (-) when naming parameters.
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查看完整版本: Revit有效的公式语法和缩写